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Beacon Hill Civic Association Community Corner


New Trash Collection Services

As we know, the City of Boston has hired Capital Waste Services to perform trash pick-ups throughout the city for the next five years. We invite your feedback as to the new hour and as to the level of service by writing to us at info@bhcivic.org. We will forward your comments to the City.

BHCA Joint Committees

The BHCA participates in several joint committees that serve the neighborhood.

Beacon Hill Nonprofit Neighbors

Under the auspices of the BHCA, the Beacon Hill Nonprofit Neighbors has been meeting regularly since November 2003. The BHCA formed the group in order to explore the common interests and unique situations of nonprofits on Beacon Hill. Representatives from more than 20 organizations participate in the group. They share knowledge and experience, and collaborate on activities to benefit their members and the community. Meetings are held annually if possible, and attendees discuss the challenges they face and share ideas on how to resolve those challenges.

The Nonprofit Neighbors annually participate in the BHCA Fall HillFest, this year on September 22, to educate the public about the mission of their institutions and increase participation by Beacon Hill residents in their programs. They are encouraged to distribute informational materials, sponsor activities for children and adults, and offer walking and museum tours.

Codman Island Committee

Codman Island was created in 1987 by an agreement between the BHCA and the City to beautify and enhance the area.  The responsibility for its maintenance belongs to the BHCA but the stewardship of Codman Island is shared between the BHCA, Beacon Hill Garden Club and the Friends of the Public Garden. Each organization contributes annually to a maintenance fund; BHGC and BHCA volunteers clean and maintain the island’s plantings. The committee works with the Department of Public Works for improvements with a priority on safety. This year the committee coordinated the installation of wrought-iron fencing to better protect the plantings that have been improved and augmented in the past year. The committee has reviewed the options for an irrigation system and has voted to have the island watered regularly with the same service that waters the Charles Street tree pits.   This was determined to be the most cost efficient way to bring regular watering to the trees and plantings on the island.  The work this year has helped strengthen and establish the trees and plant materials.  Continued projects include lighting the trees to help deter future vehicle accidents, repair and improvement of the brick sidewalks, repair of damaged bollards in such a manner that they appear uniform and the installation later this summer of a memorial plaque to Allison Warmuth, who was struck by a Duck Boat near Codman Island in 2016.

Upcoming BHCA Meetings

There are no meetings scheduled for the week of July 29th.

Other upcoming BHCA Events

Young Friends Social – Wednesday, July 31st at Carrie Nation

Beacon Hill Meet & Greet – Monday, August 5th

District 8 City Councilor Candidates Forum – Tuesday, September 10th

BHCA Fall HillFest – Sunday, September 22nd

Visit the Beacon Hill Civic Association website bhcivic.org or call the office (617-227-1922) for further details on any of these events, and for information about joining the BHCA.

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