Adam Nimoy, the son of the late West End native Leonard Nimoy, who iconically portrayed Mr. Spock in the original 1960s ‘Star Trek’ TV series, was on hand for an Author Talk on Sunday, June 30, at the newly renovated and reopened West End Museum.
At this time, Adam Nimoy, now 67, discussed his recently published memoir, ‘The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy’ (Chicago Review Press).
Tom Stocker, a South End visual artist is the main impetus behind a plan to erect a memorial to Nimoy on the grounds of the Museum of Science. The proposed memorial would take shape as a 20-foot-tall, stainless-steel monument depicting the Vulcan hand salutation, which would be illuminated from within using LED lighting. The Vulcan hand salutation (along with its accompanying spoken expression of well-wishing, ‘Live Long and Prosper’) ranks among the most indelible and instantly recognizable images from the ‘Star Trek’ universe.
As of publication, the Museum of Science’s fundraising campaign to build the memorial Nimoy had raised just over $390,000 towards the goal. To contribute, visit